Title: Death On Demand
Plot Summary: An entrepreneurial college student decides to set up a pay-per-view live webcast of six people spending the night in a haunted house. Who's haunting it? I'm glad you asked. Turns out thirty years earlier, a mountaineer climbing Everest went crazy from a cerebral edema and killed his Sherpa. After returning home, he brutally murdered his wife and kids using mountaineering equipment, then hung himself from a climbing rope. The contestants, split into teams of two, must embark on a sort of a scavenger hunt that slowly reveals more details about the grisly night in question and ultimately leads them to the key to the padlocked front door and the cash prize. One by one they, along with the guys running the show, are picked off by the evil ghost, leading to a thrilling conclusion involving voodoo and mangled corpses.
Actors you may have seen in any other movie: None.
Number of other people in the theater: Four.
Best plot twist: At the last minute, one contestant is switched out for a porn star named Velvet Luv in order to boost ratings. The entrepreneur promises her a bonus of $100 for every guy she fucks and $200 for every girl.
Number of other people who left during the first lesbian sex scene: Four.
Money racked up by Velvet Luv: $300.
Most awkward reoccuring subplot: The roid rage-filled offensive lineman who struggles with impotence for most of the movie before getting slipped some Viagra and boning Velvet Luv in the bathroom.
Most beat-into-the-ground mountaineering term that the writer used to attempt to add some semblance of authenticity to the movie: Cerebral Edema
Best line spoken by the ghost before killing a girl hand-cuffed to the bed and pinning her to the ceiling with an ice ax: "Where's your base camp? Why won't you carry my bags!?!"
Number of different mountaineering tools used to murder people: 3 (ice ax, crampon, cam)
Most implausible moment: The last survivor is walking out the front door when the ghost throws a cam through her chest and pulls her back in. For those of you unfamiliar with rock climbing, this is the wiki page on cams: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spring-loaded_camming_device. They're not particularly... sharp.
Most disappointing realization upon looking the movie up on IMDb: The actress who plays Velvet Luv is not a real porn star. We were really looking forward to linking you guys to her home page...
why wasn't this movie a big blockbuster in the States...will you two please rate the move too? I want to know how many thumbs it gets
you guys are my heroes. come play in japan!
everyone else left during the lesbian scene?? what were they there to see????
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