Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Hey everybody, just wanted to write a quick introduction to the blog that we will be writing during our stay in China. Some of you may be wondering what the deal with the name is, while others are probably grinning and saying 'looka looka' to themselves. The title comes from a saying that you will hear everywhere across this great country. Go to any DVD market and you will soon have people running up to you screaming 'looka looka, dee wee dee' and trying to drag you into their stall. My personal favorite was in Shanghai when a guy brandishing a catalogue sidled up to us, darted his eyes back and forth, and covertly whispered, 'dee wee dee, hat, bag, watch. . . hello.'

We think this title adequately sums up what we want this blog to contain: ridiculous and hopefully entertaining stories from China that will give the people back home an idea of what it's like to live in this crazy, constantly changing place. As this is our first foray into the blogosphere (a word we will never use again), we encourage you to leave us feedback, comments, and questions. More posts soon to come (and in the future we will be writing under separate names).

-Jono and Sam


swirlyluvr77658 said...

Yes I am so siked!! I am going to leave lots of useless comments like this one!!1

Unknown said...

Wow, that story about the" hat, watch, hello" guy was pure gold. If that's the quality of story we can expect from this blog, then count this God-fearing, freedom-loving American in!