Tuesday, October 21, 2008

TOP FIVE: Signs at our local Police Station

Here it is, gang, the long-awaited second installment of the Top Five.  We have to register with the po-po here, so while we were waiting for forty minutes, we took a gander at the various signs they had posted around.  We tried to take pictures but were quickly yelled at.  We also didn't have time to get the actual Chinese definitions for most of them because they accused us of loitering.  We are going to try and do that for future Top Fives.  Now, on to the list:

#5 - Hard-working Room

#4 - Mediate the Room in Dispute

#3 - Detective's Long Office of Punishment

#2 - The Populace Appraises the Box (from a suggestion box)

#1 - The Public Squadron Punishment Detects the Room

Feel free to comment on entries you think should be higher or lower than they are.  We've taken a suggestion from Nate and are currently working on the first installment of "Guess Which Story is True."  That's all for now.

Jono and Sam


Unknown said...

Nicely done on the police signs. You guys should definitely take pictures of and post any other silly signs you see. Looking forward to the Guess Which Story is True feature.

In the meantime I just wanted to make sure you guys were aware that you are in direct copyright violation of this Dutch software company:

Just be on the lookout, I hear the Dutch copyright police can be brutal.


Corey Boland said...

number 2 and number 1 should both be number 1 if that is possible. the top three are fucking hilarious