Monday, August 25, 2008

TOP FIVE: Wine labels

Allow me to introduce a new running segment that we will feature sporadically at The DeeWeeDee Shop: Top Five. They will usually be translation errors, ranging from peoples' English names to t-shirt labels and store names. The first installment is labels from Yunnan wines that we found in Zhongdian (also known as Shangrila). Without further ado:

#5 - Occasionally drinking this wine is good to your health.

#4 - Snow area beauty naked barley red wine

#3 - Tasting best and delicious production, Elaborate brewing and classical making. The wine was made of best grapes in world, and with internal advanced techics. It is clarity and has full-bodied fruit-smell, vinosity and long aftertaste.

#2 - Constantly drinking this wine is good to your health.

#1 - It is a good wine from heaven and souls. That can read our happiness and sadness, like a bosom friend bringing up warmth. It lets the cheers burst out of our minds.


Anonymous said...

LOVE it.

Marc Frencken said...


while reading the description I can actually taste the grape-juicy-ness of it all. And I miss it!!